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Jobs: Prof. A. Grasskamp has won ERC Grant for “Ecological History of Eurasian Art” and calls for doctoral and post-doctoral applicants (Oslo University)

Professor Anna Grasskamp, an art historian, has been awarded a European Research Council Consolidator grant for her project An Ecological History of Eurasian Art: Natural Resources, Aesthetic Practices, and Early Modern Globalization that will allow her to build a team of doctoral and post-doctoral researchers at the University of Oslo.

She calls for applicants with the following thematic reserach interests

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ReNetMoCoCA-Blog Editors (18. April 2024). Jobs: Prof. A. Grasskamp has won ERC Grant for “Ecological History of Eurasian Art” and calls for doctoral and post-doctoral applicants (Oslo University). Network for Modern and Contemporary Chinese Art. Abgerufen am 26. Januar 2025 von

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We are a team of several editors dedicated to scholarly and curatorial work in the fields of modern and contemporary Chinese arts. You can find out more about us following this link

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